How Long Does It Take For Turtle Eggs To Hatch?

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The time span for a newly laid turtle egg to finally hatch varies greatly on the species of turtle in reference to this question. In most cases it can take on average 45-90 days or 2-4 months for various land & water turtle species’ eggs to hatch. This time frame is also affected by nest temperature, outdoor temperature fluctuations, rainfall, humidity, time of season related to the incubation period, and location. Below are some specific examples of hatching times for common turtle & tortoises’ species.

Snapping Turtles

How Long Does It Take For Snapping Turtle Eggs To Hatch?

On average most snapping turtle eggs take 80-90 days to hatch. In most cases turtle hatch-lings emerge from their shells in a period from August to October.

Box Turtles

How Long Does It Take For Box Turtle Eggs To Hatch?

Usually Box Turtle eggs can take 2-3 months to hatch, more precisely around 70 to 90 days depending on the sub species of box turtle in question.

Sea Turtles

How Long Does It Take For Sea Turtle Eggs To Hatch?

The eggs of Loggerheads, Green Sea, Hawksbill, Olive Ridley, Kemps Ridley, and Flatback Turtles take on average 40-60 Days to hatch. Leatherback sea turtle eggs take on average 70-80 days to hatch.

Painted Turtles

How Long Does It Take For Painted Turtle Eggs To Hatch?

Painted turtle eggs typically hatch in 70-75 days, most hatchlings occur in late summer to early fall months. Although some late hatching turtles can stay in the nest until spring, when baby painted turtles do hatch, they tend to naturally head straight for the nearest body of water.

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